Tuesday, August 8, 2017


The Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the only apparition where Our Lady left an actual picture of herself. All other apparitions were drawn from the description given to them from the visionary.   The colors, lines, stars, designs, rays, moon, all have special meanings!

SUN’S RAYS: The rays give the sacred image an aura of light. They appear as though they are emitted from her, based on the direction of the arrows and the wavy pattern – indicating that she’s giving birth to the sun. Since the Aztecs worshiped the sun as the god that gives them life, the image portrays the Virgin Mary as giving birth to god.

HER FACE: Our Blessed Mother’s face is bowed down, looking at everyone tenderly and with compassion. She is gazing slightly to one side as a sign of reverence and respect as native Indians considered it improper to look directly at anyone’s face

HER HANDS: joined in prayer, therefore not a goddess; there is someone greater than Her.

HER MANTLE: Her beautiful turquoise mantle covers her whole body from her head down to her feet and is edged in gold, representing heaven. The indigenous people considered her an Empress since only their Emperor wore this color. Her mantle is covered with 46 eight-pointed stars which are believed to be the stars that were in the heavens during the winter solstice of 1531.

THE ANGEL:The angel supporting the Lady testifies to her royalty. To the Meso-American Indians only kings, queens and other dignitaries would be carried on the shoulders of someone. The angel is transporting the Lady to the people as a sign that a new age has come.

Our Lady is stepping on the moon to show the Aztecs that she's greater than their moon god. With her feet resting on a new moon crescent, we are reminded of her Immaculate Conception, a Catholic dogma that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin which everyone else is born with.

This signifies that she is a noblewoman with child – noble indigenous women tied a black ribbon just above their waist to show they were pregnant. This symbol, together with the symbolism of Our Lady’s hair, confirms her message to St Juan Diego – ‘I am the Always Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God .

Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, intercede for the Church, protect the Holy Father, help all who invoke you in their necessities. Since you are the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from your most holy Son the Grace of a firm faith and sure hope amid the bitterness of life, as well as an ardent love and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen