Thursday, December 8, 2016

Generous Parishioner Reupholsters Over 100 Chairs

As you have heard by now, Project 2017 surpassed all of our financial goals with many wonderful monetary pledges.  What you might not realize is that there have been some parishioners who have made "in kind" donations...that of materials or labor.  They have generously shared their time or talent to contribute to the renovation.

Jim Giese is one of those guys.  He and his wife Cathy have been parishioners since 1972.  "When I heard about this, I realized it was time for me to step up", he said.  And step up he did!
Jim Giese

Jim has worked in the upholstering business, at first for Geneva Upholstering and then for himself, basically all of his adult life.

Jim is donating his labor of reupholstering over 100 chairs that grace our chapel and church!  With fabric ordered and provided by SFDS to match our new color scheme, Jim is giving the chairs a new look as well as replacing the padding.  "They really needed it," said Jim.  "In some cases the padding had turned to dust." 
BEFORE--Left and AFTER--Right
Jim has come for several weeks now and picked up 6 or so chairs at a time, redone them, and returned them, only to pick up six more with his truck.

As you can see from the photos, the update makes the chairs look brand new.  Thank you, Jim, for bringing your expertise to help with the church renovation!

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